The Supreme Court Bench comprising L. Nageswara Rao, B.R. Gavai and B.V. Nagarathna on Wednesday has granted two months protection to the ‘The Wire’ and three journalists of the portal from three FIRs registered against them by the Uttar Pradesh Police over some of the news published by the portal. The Bench held that Supreme Court cannot create a separate avenue for journalists to come to this court directly under Article 32 of the constitution of india for quashing the FIRs.
Justice L Nageswara Rao held that they are aware of fundamental rights and don’t want freedom of the press to be muzzled but the journalists should have approached the High Court first than coming to the Supreme Court directly.
The Supreme Court further held that to entertain such matter directly will open a "Pandora's Box". The Apex Court suggested that for quashing the FIRs, the journalist should approach the High Court.
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