Legal Junction

Make the Most of the Admission Season [January-August 2020]! Advertise Your Law Admissions on Lawctopus

Make the Most of the Admission Season [January-August 2020]! Advertise Your Law Admissions on Lawctopus

2020-01-28 19:10:20
Make the Most of the Admission Season [January-August 2020]! Advertise Your Law Admissions on Lawctopus

Here’s a quick question for you.

Where does the Times of India advertise its annual law event ‘The Lawgical Connect’?

Yes, you heard it right. Where does the Times of India advertise it’s law related event?

Well, the answer is right here, on this website,!

The admission season is on!

Law aspirants and law students are looking for courses and programs which can further their careers.

And they are visiting Lawctopus, more than ever!

Whether she/he is a law student who has trusted Lawctopus over the years, or a young law aspirant, who are exploring the field of law; Lawctopus is the platform for the young legal person!

We are not a newspaper which is being read by every Tom, Dick, and Harry. We are a super-niche and super-popular website; a combination usually not found in the market!

Our law college clients last year were:

  1. Nirma University, Ahmedabad
  2. Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad
  3. NMIMS, Mumbai
  4. Asian Law College, Noida
  5. Shoolini University, Shimla, Himachal
  6. JGLS, Sonepat
  7. PES University, Bengaluru
  8. JECRC University, Jaipur
  9. Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune
  10. IFIM Law School, Bangalore
  11. Gitam University, Andhra Pradesh
  12. Lloyd Law College, Noida

Nearly all online course providers also advertise on Lawctopus. These include:

  • net
  • iPleaders
  • Enhelion
  • Rostrum
  • CLATapult
  • IALM (Indian Academy of Law and Management)
  • IICA (Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs)

Here are our current stats (monthly):

  • Unique visitors or readers: 250,000
  • Sessions: 5,50,000
  • Page-views: 1.3 million
  • Average time/session: 4 minutes

Here are our social media and subscriber stats:

  • Facebook page: 52,000 fans
  • Twitter handle: 17,000 followers
  • Email subscribers: 57,000 (growing by 100 a day)
  • Push notification subscribers: 70,000
  • Whatsapp group subscribers: 8000
  • Instagram: 4500 followers

Please note that none of these are paid fans or subscribers. Law students and aspirants love us as much as we love them!

Well, Lawctopus is the place to advertise right now (March-August) especially if you are looking to advertise the following programs:

  • LLB courses
  • LLB, BBA.LLB, B.Com LLB programs
  • LLM and Ph.D. programs
  • Distance learning and online programs
  • Other courses for which law students are eligible

We can advertise your program/course through the following offerings:

  • Pop-up banner ad
  • Top banner ad
  • Side banner ad
  • Sponsored posts
  • Social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) posts
  • Emailer campaigns

Contact us:


Phone: +91 9711850703


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